About Me

_Z0A7099 I joined the army at 18, married a bomb disposal expert at 21 and then got thrown out of the forces for getting pregnant. I now have three grown-up children and the youngest is a soldier himself who has served in Afghanistan. I began writing a column for an army wives’ magazine and since then I have graduated to writing books, many of which have an army theme. They say ‘write what you know’ which is exactly what I do. Also, I am essentially quite idle so it’s much easier to do that than have to do endless research. I have written under several names, which can be confusing, but hopefully this website will make things a bit clearer. If you have enjoyed reading any of my books I’d love to hear from you; writing is rather a lonely business so contact, especially if it’s friendly, is always welcome.

I am an avid traveller but as my husband is an amateur military historian many of my travels seem to involve visits to battlefields. I probably know more about the Somme and Flanders than is natural for a romantic novelist.  I have posted some pictures in the Gallery of my recent trips to Burma – a wonderful country with beautiful people, fabulous food and an unspoilt coastline and so worth visiting.

When I’m not working or on my hols I serve on the local council – the perfect place for an opinionated person who is a total nosy-parker and who likes people watching.

I also like watching the wildlife in my garden and I sometimes film the goings-on. Check out my Facebook page  www.facebook.com/catherine.jones.35513 for the latest footage